Topics: Copywriting Tips, copywriting strategies, Business Blogging
Why Social Media Will Never Work For You. CT Web Design Tips.
As a Social Media Consultant, I often run into potential clients who are convinced social media is the magic answer to their online marketing needs. Often, they try to pick my brain for special, "tricks of the trade," that I may be willing to share with them for the price of a cup of coffee. Now I am certainly willinging to offer up some guidance on best practices, a couple of learned tricks, and what I consider to be the benefit of some real world experience over the vast expanse of my client base. However, after this brief conversation, I am frequently disheartened to find their social media strategy is already pre-destined to failure. So, why do their social media campaigns explode? Do you exhibit similar signs of social media failure?
Topics: Blog Posts, Business Blogging
How to Differentiate your business online. Tips and an Outline by a Search Engine Optimization Consultant, CT
Topics: Social Media Marketing, SEO, SEO Tips, Search Engine Optimization, SEO Company
Twitter: Your Company's Most Powerful Marketing Weapon
Why should you use twitter? Well, for one, it's free! The only investment you need to put into the site is time. Since social media is such a powerful marketing and lead generating tool, there really is no drawback to setting up an account. Worse case scenario: you don't use it and you lose no money. Best case scenario: you tweet often and you tweet correctly and you profit!
Topics: Social Media Marketing, Twitter
8 Business Blogging Rules You Need To Start Following
Writing a business blog is one of the best SEO laws you can abide by on the internet. Your site will benefit from increased page rank as well as a better reputation, as long as the blogs are of good quality. So what makes a good blog a great one? I've included a list of eight of my favorite blogging tips and rules that I always follow.
Topics: SEO Tips, Copywriting Tips, Business Blogging
Create A Unique Company Internet Marketing Strategy
One of our most common buzzwords tossed around the office here is content. This is usually in reference to Search Engine Optimization. Properly optimized content is vital for any site that wants to be recognized by Google and other popular search engines. But, content doesn't, and shouldn't, be only text.
Topics: SEO, Content Writing, Web Content
Should You Hire a Writer For Your Business Blog?
Creating a website is a challenge. Ask any business owner. It takes a creative eye, a certain amount of experience, and a business-oriented mind to build a site that combines useful information as well as an aesthetically pleasing look. If a company's website is well done, they've most likely hired a web design firm to handle the task. The web is as competitive a place as any other business venue, and people pay top dollar for quality pages.
Topics: SEO, SEO Tips, Freelance Writing, Web Marketing, Content Writing, Business Blogging, Web Content
This blog often deals with many new technologies and ideas circulating in the web design industry. But sometimes, we like to remind our readers of some more traditional points. Web design, at its core, hasn't changed much in the last ten years. While the technology has certainly progressed, the key components of a ten year old site are still just as relevant today. If you're looking to design a site from scratch, or redesign an existing one, you are going to want to adhere to these main ideas.
Topics: web design, Content Writing, CT web design, Web Content
Social Media for Business: Create a Facebook Presence (Part 2)
Topics: Social Media Marketing, Web Marketing, Facebook, social networking
Social Media for Business: Create a Facebook Presence (Part 1)
Becoming a member of any social networking websites such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn will only help your business grow if you know how to use those assets properly. With approximately 526 million daily active users, Facebook is not only the most visited website in the world, but the most useful for personal connections, organizations, internet sharing, and business. Having the know-how to navigate Facebook accurately and tastefully will allow your business to become updated, broadened, and more relevant in today's online world. Although Facebook prides itself in being fast and easy, there are some tools that require a bit of experience. These simple steps will help you gain an all around good sense of the website and how you can use it to fully optimize your business. If you already have an account on Facebook, skip to step 2.
Topics: Social Media Marketing, Web Marketing, Facebook, social networking