Cold calling is a thing of the past and people now use the internet for their research and purchasing needs. Inbound marketing efforts help bring people to your website and in turn, will lead to more customers. As technology advances your business should to. This article discusses how to get started and prepare withy your inbound marketing needs.
What You Need For A Successful CT Inbound Marketing Campaign
Topics: SEO Tips, Blogging for Business, marketing tips
There are several components that need to work together to ensure your website is appealing and informative. People want to visit a site that answers their questions and is appealing to navigate through. This article discusses what components your CT website needs to succeed.
What Are The Best Ways To Promote My Blog Posts?
Consider this: you've spent hours crafting a thoughtful, informed blog post. Then, you hit publish and you're ready for the Internet to witness your brilliance. You're bound to pull in a bunch of eyes to read your post; yet, two hours after publishing your masterpiece, it's hardly received any attention. Unfortunately, writing engaging content is only the first step towards creating a succesful blog. While you are developing your blog, you can't just wait around for your posts to succeed, you will need to move on to the next step: content promotion. Content promotion is integral for creating a succesful blog, so you will have to share your posts in order for others to find it. Check out these basic tips to understand how you should promote your blog posts.
Topics: Content Promotion
How To Make Your Call To Action Buttons More Effective
Your call to action buttons are a vitally important part of your website. A great CTA button can direct users, get them to take a desired action, improve conversion rates, and ultimately improve your lead generation. Let your users take action when they are happy with the information they read and utilizing CTAs will allow you to achieve that. However, it's important to think strategically and creatively to ensure your CTA is successfully achieving the objective.
2016 will harbor a new year of changes to Google's search algorithms, as well as your SEO strategy. 2015 was stuffed to the brim with Google's Mobilegeddon, a Panda update, and plenty of content debate. However, if you're looking to rise to the top of Google or simply maintain your positioning, take note of the following trends you can expect to see in the SEO industry for 2016.
Topics: SEO
How Does Blogging Affect My Company's SEO Efforts?
It's common for a business to overlook the blogging aspect but actually blogging is a strategic tool to boost awareness. If written for the reader and not just for a sale, your blog can flourish and build up your reputation so people know you are the right business to go to for their needs. This article explains why blogging for your business is so effective and offers some tips on how to make sure your efforts are done efficiently.
More Informative Content
One of the most important components for business blogging is that you are providing people with more information to help them with any questions they may have. SEO is boosted when you are providing helpful and informative information rather than promotional and short content. Beware of blogging just to write a few tid bits here and there about your company. Your blog should be the answer to the question they have. If you can't thoroughly answer their question, why would they go to your website to learn more about you? Once you have provided the right information, you'll be able to add some keywords throughout the blog. Try not to overwhelm with too many of the same keywords or your blog will be seen as spam. SEO is about keywords, links and so on but it's also about the value of the information provided and i what your offering actually helps. If your blog can do this than more and more people will find it when they search for specific information through search engines.
5 CT Web Design Trends You Can Expect To See In 2016
It can be exhausting to constantly see boring straight lines and perfectly placed boxes on every website you visit. Every simple website looks the same with just a different color scheme, but web design has evolved greatly and new trends are arising for the 2016 year that are unique and can help your website stand out. This blog will describe some of the popular web design trends that we will be seeing a lot more of in 2016.
Topics: web design, Website
Important Characteristics To Consider As You Create Your Buyer Persona
To create an effective buyer persona is to consider many important characteristics to understand who exactly you are trying to target. This will help you communicate with them on a personal level and understand their wants and needs. It's easier to create a creative message that stands out when you have an idea of who it is going to appeal to. This article will provide some of those characteristics you should consider when trying to start a new inbound marketing campaign.
Who Are You Trying To Target?
When you start a new marketing campaign, it's important to narrow down who you are specifically trying to appeal to. You should consider name, age, location, income, education, profession, ranking in the business, and maybe a vague description of appearance. It's important to know them like they are your best friend next door neighbor. The most successful buyer personas are often based on market research and interviews of your actual customers. Knowing who you are trying to specifically target will nurture a successful marketing campaign to effectively create an appropriate marketing message and achieve targeted goals. If you don’t consider your buyer persona, your content is not going to be as relevant to your audience. This means you miss out on the opportunities to connect on a personal level with customers and build trusting relationships. Building a buyer persona will help you relate to them and understand their needs from their perspective.
Topics: marketing, content, buyer person
SEO Strategies Every Business Needs To Master
With several businesses available that offer some of the same products and services as you, it can be difficult to stand out from the competition. That's where strong SEO efforts come in. You may have the best business out there but people won't be able to find you if you don't take the time to utilize SEO strategies. This article will describe some of the ways to master SEO and grow your business.
How To Create Your First Social Media Campaign
Social media is taking over and almost everyone has a profile on various platforms. Utilize this trend by adding your presence on these sites. Social media can be a great tool to expand your business but can be confusing to get started into the process. There are a lot of do's and dont's so the importance of taking your social media campaign as serious as possible, will help you build your brand instead of tarnishing it. This article will go over some of the first steps to get you started with an effective social media campaign.
Assemble Your Team | Assign Responsibilities
The first action that should be taken is assembling a team that can focus on your social media campaign. Whether you have your own team or need to outsource, having a team of professionals solely focusing on your social media campaign can help expand your business. Social media needs a delicate balance. You should be posting promotional information, helpful information related to your business and some fun posts that appeal to the viewers interests. Understanding what viewers want from social media posts will help build your brand and make you a reliable source for information. Social media shouldn’t be taken lightly because several people will find out about who you are and what you sell through the various online platforms. Know who you are as a brand and effectively represent that through your social media. Many business stick to what they know, which isn’t always bad, but it's important to keep your followers engaged. As long as you are staying on topic, it is okay to post something funny and witty. Avoid posting only promotional content because people will get sick of you. Strategically research what the best social media campaign will work best for your business.
Topics: CT Marketing, Twitter, Facebook