Many people enjoy twitter because it moves at a much faster pace when compared to Facebook. The site is a constant stream of information and advertising that, if taken advantage of, can help to propel your business to the next level. Many of you probably joined Twitter to market a business. While marketing may be your primary focus, Twitter also emphasizes an element of personal branding you shouldn't neglect have you optimized both your personal and business Twitter presence to enable people to learn more about you and your business? If you haven't, keep reading. Let's look at a few of the methods to increase your Twitter presence.
5 Simple Steps for an Increased Twitter Presence
Topics: Social Media Marketing, Twitter, Inbound Marketing, social networking, Web Content, Twitter tips
What is the Importance of Responsive Websites?
Topics: website redesign, responsive web design, responsive websites, web design, website development, mobile website optimization, Web Marketing, digital marketing
Email Marketing Best Practices: 5 Common Myths Debunked
Email marketing has become one of the most effective ways to drive traffic to your website and boost your sales. Marketing through email has been used for many years, making it vulnerable to myths about how effective it really is. Generally, there are misconceptions about every industry, and within sales, there are plenty of misconceptions about email marketing. But if we're going to make any progression in the industry, it is important to debunk these myths. There are many misconceptions about email marketing that are invalid and Image Works is here to help debunk these common email marketing myths once and for all.
Topics: email marketing best practices, CT Inbound Marketing, how to email market, email marketing, myths about email marketing
Topics: how to promote your blog, blog, blogging tips, Business Blogging
Every day over 100 million people log into their twitter accounts, 52.7 million of these people being American, and every second over 5,000 tweets are posted online. Twitter has grown to be enormous in the social media world and has proven to be very effective in the business world. More and more companies have begun using Twitter as a marketing tool as it continues to demonstrate its success. Twitter can help grow a business by providing a leeway so businesses can connect to customers on a personal level. Additionally, Twitter helps create brand awareness and allows companies to market new products easily. Aside from these direct benefits, Twitter allows you to keep an eye on your competition and see what they are up to so that you never fall behind the game.
Topics: Social Media Marketing
Why should you hire a video production company?
Topics: business marketing video, CT Video Production, Video Production Company, Business Video, Video Marketing
Bad Blogging Advice: 5 Tips You Should Ignore
One of the first things a blogger will do when faced with the dilemma of growing his or her blog is research. As you search, you realize that you keep coming across the same advice over and over again. This may lead you to believe, " if so many people are vouching for the same piece of advice, then it must surely work, right?" Unfortunately, the answer in some cases may be "no." Here's what wont work with regards to blogging.
Topics: blog writing ct, blog tips, how to blog, blog content and style
How to Increase Lead Generation with an Effective Landing Page
Landing pages are widely used to launch webinars, products, and other various offers to persuade visitors to give you some of their contact information. And as we all know, once you have a visitors email address you can communicate with them on a much more personal level, which helps to establish relationships and also encourage them to do what you wish them to do.
Topics: Lead Generation, web based marketing, landing pages best practices
Since 2006 inbound marketing has rapidly begun to take over the marketing world. In 2013, over 60% of all companies used some kind of inbound marketing. Inbound marketing has become as essential aspect of a company’s success and has proven itself as the master of efficiency. Inbound marketing uses strategies that involve Ebooks, podcasts, blogs, online videos, and white papers. Using these marketing tools together and efficiently your company is bound to begin thriving within the online community! Still not convinced? Lets start with why you should ditch old marketing techniques.
Topics: Inbound Marketing, Outbound Marketing
As outbound marketing has begun being pushed out of the marketing world and replaced with new strategies, inbound marketing has become an essential part of most companies. Inbound marketing is a great way to sell your product and get your company involved in the online community. It is cheaper than outbound marketing and has proven very successful. With this being said, inbound marketing can only be as effective as your company makes it and many companies struggle with the same problems. Here is a list of seven common inbound marketing mistakes that companies make: