Last week Instagram and Facebook launched their new video service, Instagram video, in order to compete with Twitter’s Vine app. Instragram’s video offers the user 15 seconds to shoot a desired subject and is completely editable. So, while we’ve provided you with tips on how to use Instagram video for your marketing advantage, should you continue with Vine? Will users stay loyal to the infantile platform or switch over to Instagram, which was delivered to them in a simple app update?
Topics: Social Media Marketing, internet marketing tips, Twitter, content marketing, Instagram video, Inbound Marketing, digital marketing, Video, Facebook, Video Marketing, social networking, inbound marketing tips, video on Instagram, Instagram vs Twitter, twitter vs instagram
3 Ways Twitter Can Increase Lead Generation
As you know, your business must have a social presence if you want to generate leads online. Many of your opportunities are hanging out all over social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. In fact, Twitter has more than 200 million active monthly users, a statistic that your business can't ignore. If you want to take those prospects and turn them into real leads, then your business needs to get tweeting, right now!
Topics: Lead Generation, Social Media Marketing, Twitter, content marketing, Inbound Marketing, digital marketing
5 Inspiring Inbound Marketing Blogs You Shouldn't Ignore
If you are an inbound marketer, or work with an inbound marketing agency, then you understand the importance of excellent blogging. Inbound marketing blogs provide high quality content that industry leaders and potential consumers are actually looking for. Sure, a little bit of fluff can be fun, but what we really want to read is awesome content that will actually make us feel a little bit smarter afterward.
While it may seem like we are 24 hour content generating machines, sometimes we just love to indulge in some addictive inbound marketing blogs. In our opinion, the best blogs we read are the ones that make people change the way they think about inbound marketing. All of our favorite inbound marketing bloggers not only inspire us to become better inbound marketers, but challenge us to think outside of that silly proverbial box.
So prepare to be enlightened, challenged and mesmerized by some of our favorite inbound marketing blogs (in no particular order, though we especially favor #1.)
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Topics: jeff bullas, whole brain group, The Sales Lion, content marketing, Inbound Marketing, Hubspot, blogging tips
3 Ways to Optimize Your Content Marketing Campaign
As a CT inbound marketing company, we often field questions from businesses on how they can get more from their content marketing campaign. If you want to drive business to your website, create awareness about your brand or maximize your marketing efforts, then it all starts with content. According to Velocity Partners, nine out of ten b2b marketers will be producing much more content next year than they did this year. Good content will drive business but great content will drive business, increase your audience, build your brand and create a culture.