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How To Do Keyword Research For SEO

Posted by Brandon Choquette on Wed, Jan 21, 2015 @ 10:55 AM

Google has kept inbound marketers on their toes with periodical algorithm changes; however, one thing has stayed rather consistent for those who are looking to optimize for SEO: keyword research. The need to perform keyword research has stayed the same, though the process has changed. In this blog post, I will lay out a process you can use to incorporate a strong keyword strategy that can help you come up with and narrow down a list of terms you want to rank for.

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Topics: Social Media Marketing, SEO, E-Commerce, Google, inbound marketers, pay per click

6 SEO Tips to Help Your Business Get Started

Posted by ImageWorks Intern on Wed, Dec 24, 2014 @ 12:03 PM

Every business with a website should make search engine optimization -- trying to get your site as high up as possible on Google and Bing search-results pages -- a part of their growth strategy. At it’s most basic, “SEO” means finding ways to increase your site's appearance in Web visitors' search results. This generally means more traffic to your site. While intense SEO can involve complex site restructuring with a firm (or consultant) that specializes in this area, there are a few simple steps you can take yourself to increase your search engine ranking. All it requires is a little effort, and some re-thinking of how you approach content on your site. Here are six basic SEO tips to get your business started.

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Topics: SEO, SEO Tips, Search Engine Optimization

SEO Tips To Boost Local Search Results

Posted by Jeffrey Cohen on Fri, Dec 12, 2014 @ 03:05 PM

Whether you offer your products and services to local consumers or nationwide buyers, it is essential that you make sure you are optimizing your website for local SEO.  When people perform a search in a major search engine (i.e. Google) for your products or services only one of two outcomes is possible: they will find your website, or they will find your competitors. Sure, you may have a loyal, local customer base, but you won't be able to attract newer and younger customers without the help of online marketing tactics and local SEO. There are several ways to approach the SEO factor for a local business based on whether you have just one, or multiple locations.

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Topics: Social Media Marketing, SEO, Search Engine Optimization, blog

Is Your Website Ready For Inbound Marketing?

Posted by Jeffrey Cohen on Fri, Dec 05, 2014 @ 04:00 PM

Inbound websites should be structured based on a few principles. You want your website to engage with users like the kind of engagement they would have if they set their foot into your store. You want to address their interests, their pain points, and provide them with ideas and solutions. Your website needs to take visitors through their own personal buyers journey.

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Topics: Lead Generation, SEO, blog post, Content Management System, cms, Inbound Marketing, blog

An SEO Infographic: Too Hot, Too Cold, Or Just Right?

Posted by Jeffrey Cohen on Fri, Nov 14, 2014 @ 02:39 PM

As a small business owner you need to contemplate one simple but very important fact. When people perform a search in a major search engine (i.e. Google) for your products or services only one of two outcomes is possible: they will find your website, or they will find your competitors. Showing up in the first few results in a search for your products or services can have a huge impact on your business. Getting in those top posititions can be incredibly difficult though. The process can be daunting and elusive for any small business.

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Topics: Lead Generation, Social Media Marketing, SEO, blogs, pay per click

Five Ways to Improve Your Inbound Marketing Campaigns

Posted by Jeffrey Cohen on Wed, Nov 12, 2014 @ 10:45 AM

Do you face constant pressure to publish new content? Are you in panic mode, crunched for time, and looking for anything to publish because you don’t have a content strategy in place? You realize this is leading to less creativity and lower quality content, but what can you do? How can you put a plan in place that will boost your team’s productivity, lead to better content, address existing gaps, and effectively address your target customers? Here are five tips that will improve your inbound marketing strategy successfully. 

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Topics: SEO, Improving Inbound Marketing, Inbound Marketing

How Blogging For Business Gets You Customers

Posted by Brandon Choquette on Fri, Nov 07, 2014 @ 01:53 PM

If this is your first time learning about the concept of inbound marketing, it may be difficult for you to imagine how publishing an article on your website could help bring customers into your local business.

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Topics: Social Media Marketing, SEO, call to action, Blogging for Business, Search Engine Optimization, sales, Inbound Marketing, business blog

What Are The Benefits of a Content Management System?

Posted by Brandon Choquette on Wed, Oct 22, 2014 @ 03:23 PM

Using a content management system (CMS) to power your website could be one of the greatest investments your business makes. Your website is one of your main tools for communicating with your customers and you need to make sure they love it and can intuitively follow the design and navigation. However, that does not mean that you need to get bogged down with technical details. A content management system combines publishing power with simplicity so that you still have time to concentrate on improving your business. Here are five key benefits of using a CMS to run your business website.                                                                         

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Topics: Social Media Marketing, SEO, Search Engine Optimization, Content Management System, seo performance, cms, webmaster, CT web design

The Next Steps for SEO and its Effect on Inbound Marketing

Posted by ImageWorks Intern on Wed, Oct 01, 2014 @ 11:05 AM

For many, a few years go, SEO meant two things, keywords and inbound links. Keywords used and placed properly gave your search chances a boost in being found, and inbound links from other sites enhanced your site’s authority on the search topic. Recently, the destruction of search engine rank into those two main components made SEO more approachable to marketers of all company sizes. Google has made changes targeted at countering black-hat SEO, changing its algorithm that has taken on a different nature and seems to indicate a more significant shift in search as a whole. While keywords and inbound links will always be important, it seems that they won’t stand alone as primary factors in your website’s search rank. Below we describe a few early signs of how you can expect SEO to evolve in the coming years.

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Topics: SEO, Future of SEO, Inbound Marketing

How Can I Make My Call-To-Action Buttons More Effective?

Posted by Jeffrey Cohen on Wed, Jul 16, 2014 @ 04:27 PM

Visitors who don't click don't convert: as marketers, we know this to be true. Your visitors can't get through your sites checkout process or signup form without clicking at least one button. That one button-- like all of your buttons-- can be improved on. Generally, when a call to action fails, the reason is simple. We need to stop ignoring the so-called "small things," especially when conversion rates depend on them.

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Topics: SEO, call to action, Internet marketing, CT Marketing

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