Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has experienced a growth spurt in recent years— now it’s no longer plausible to stuff web pages with keywords and hope Google notices; rather, it takes a much more nuanced and detailed approach founded on original content that will offer value to visitors, while also attracting search engines and helping sites to move up the natural search rankings.
Of course, as the years pass and technology grows more sophisticated, Google has opted to highlight a quality over quantity approach. Ultimately, sites that offer their visitors valuable content are going to be viewed more favorably by search engines, and will appear higher in search rankings.
To help cement this idea, take a quick look at this Brafton Infographic, “Why Content For SEO"
How Quality Content Can Transform Your SEO Efforts (Infographic)
Topics: SEO, Content Writing
Why Are Businesses Hesitant To Implement Inbound Marketing?
Inbound marketing methods are constantly growing and advancing , yet it's difficult for some businesses to implement a method they don't fully understand. There has been a significant shift in the way consumers make decisions and purchases. The accessibility of no-cost, high-quality information online has quickly changed the way consumers purchase and businesses communicate to those consumers. As the online purchasing world constantly increases it may be surprising to hear that a lot of businesses are still hesitant to implement "new" marketing methods. In this post, you'll learn the few primary reasons why businesses are hesitant as well as how to overcome those common fears.
Topics: Inbound methodology, CT Inbound Marketing, why do you need inbound marketing
6 Tips To Design An Interactive Mobile Website
Let's face it. Mobile phones have taken over and everywhere you look, there is someone with a phone glued to their fingers staring down at the small screen. Which is safe to say, it's not only vital to have a mobile website but also one that is creatively designed to attract and retain the many users occupying the mobile world. Understanding the complexity of this mobile world and the users that occupy it will help you better understand how to effectively design a mobile website that attracts and retains. Take a look at this article for some tips on how to successfully go mobile.
Topics: Mobile Devices, mobile website, Mobile Marketing
7 Essential Elements Of An Effective E-commerce Website
Your e-commerce website is the first interface between the customer and the seller as well as the perceived image of your business. This means that your website is the outlet customers use to directly buy your products and services online. Simply put, you need an e-commerce website that peaks prospects' interest and is simple to navigate. Therefore, if it isn’t designed creatively and user-friendly, it won’t attract visitors and engage those visitors enough to increase brand awareness and keep them coming back. Without possessing the essential elements an e-commerce website needs, you'll be losing sales opportunities and successful profitability. Read this article to learn about the essential elements to ensure and effective e-commerce website.
Topics: Website success, Ecommerce
Which Factors Affect Your Website's Search Engine Rankings? (Infographic)
Are you aware of the factors that influence your authority in Google's search engine result pages? Many industry professionals have contended that there are approximately 200 ranking factors that play a role in Google's algorithm. Though professionals have gleamed useful information concerning google's algorithms through testing and careful observation, things have been known to change quickly, and if you're not careful, you may find your business knee deep in bad advice. However, that doesn't mean that there aren't clear-cut strategies you can count on-- in fact, there are things Google is quite clear about and factors we know for a fact have an impact.
In it's most basic form, SEO is focused on editing your site so that it's easy for each engines to crawl, intuitive for users who visit with a purpose, stuffed to the gills with interesting content, and well-promoted to people who want to know what services/products you're offering.
As a budding business leader or marketer, it pays great dividients to have a rudimentary understanding of the factors that really do affect SEO rankings. So, use this infographic provided by Ben Norman (SEO Consultant) as a crash course. The infographic covers the most basic factors that you should consider incorporating into your SEO strategy.
Topics: SEO Tips, SEO strategy, SEO Basics
Designing A Content Marketing Plan For Small Business Blogs
Are you small business in a big pond? "Small" business is another way to say opportunity for growth. That's why a content marketing plan is just as important for small businesses as it is for larger corporations. If you have heard it once you have heard it a million times, content is king. This is true for businesses of any size and can be done with an effective content marketing plan to enhance SEO through inbound marketing tools such as blogging. So how as a small business can you craft a content marketing plan that is larger than life? Check out this article for content marketing tips to create the perfect small business blogs.
Topics: Blogging for Business, Blog Optimization, business blog
How Can I Ignite My Social Media Marketing Strategy?
Is your social media marketing strategy falling flat? You are regularly posting but it seems as though people are not interested in what you have to offer. This doesn't mean that social media isn't a great marketing tool but just that you may not know how to use the application provided to best market yourself. This article discusses how to ignite your social media marketing strategy so you can start to communicate to the 100’s of millions of online interactive users.
What Are Long Tail Keywords And How Do I Use Them?
Search engine optimization is vital to the success of your online business and by strategically utilizing different SEO components, you'll be able to generate more traffic. But how do you attract the people that are later in the buying cycle and are ready to purchase? This is where long tail keywords come in handy. This SEO method can be challenging to understand and use effectively but is useful to amplify your website. This article defines long tail keywords and describes the most effective ways to use them.
Topics: long tail seo, SEO Company
A Quick SEO Look: History Of Panda And Penguin
To stay relevant in the online world, you have to constantly continue to provide valuable information to the consumer and utilize search engine optimization tactics throughout your content. As Google is the most used search engine, understanding and taking advantage of its algorithms will help in your SEO efforts and ensure higher ranking results. SEO continues to develop each year, penalizing black hat methods while rewarding those who offer value to the consumer, with the advancing algorithms of Panda and Penguin. Take a look at the infographic below to better understand the history of Google's Panda and Penguin algorithms. The better you can understand the history the better prepared you'll be for new SEO algorithms to come.
Topics: SEO, Web Content
5 Things You Need To Do Before Designing A Website
You have some great products and services to offer and now it's time to showcase your work by creating a website. Of course, you want your website to be successful so people can find you, learn more about your products and services, as well as continue to generate traffic and increase sales. However, what does it take to create a successful website? This post discusses 5 things you need to do before designing a website so that you have a creative, appealing and prosperous website.
Topics: website development, Website success, CT web design