A bounce rate is the percentage of your customers that leave your website after visiting only one page. The bounce rate can be interpreted in two ways, that the wrong customers are visiting your website or the customers you are targeting are quickly finding the information they seek. But if your bounce rate is high and you are not receiving a lot of leads then here are five tips that can lower your websites bounce rate.
Topics: bounce rate
Besides providing a convenient location for all the information surrounding your business, websites can establish company credibility and foster brand trust. With the explosive growth of online practices, it has become crucial for your company to not only expand beyond a simple brochure site, but to present an effective eye-popping masterpiece! Every business has different goals and approaches for what they want their website to accomplish. Business sites are often designed to support a product or service, generate sales leads, provide information for customers, media or press, and increase brand awareness. So, If your site does not achieve any of these goals, it may be time to look into a website redesign. We have included 5 other warning signs that may indicate it is time for a website upgrade:
Topics: website redesign
SEO is a science that requires consistent research and practice. Since technology is changing everyday it is important to keep up with new trends and keywords. By using SEO tips and trying to make your website as complete as possible you can gain a lot of customers and attention.
Topics: SEO Tips
Video Marketing Trends For 2015 [Infographic]
At this very moment, videos are an incredibly valuable marketing tool, as they can drive engagement and generate even more purchasing activity from your customers. In fact, in terms of engagement, videos are like an image on steroids. Not only do videos provide a surge of energy to your site’s traffic, but posting videos on YouTube and your website can help to improve your SEO as well. We understand that there is a barrier to creating videos, as video production can be quite difficult; however, with the advent of smartphone video, it isn't that difficult for your business to create a quality video at a low cost.
Topics: Business Video, Video Marketing
Is Inbound Marketing Better Then Traditional Methods?
Inbound marketing and traditional methods of marketing differ in many ways. Inbound marketing is the new method of marketing that captures that interest and attention of your viewers. Traditional methods of marketing tend to push products and services onto their customers. The public has becom conditioned to traditional marketing methods, so by introducing a new method to reach potential customers you can reviece a better response.
Topics: Inbound Marketing
What Types Of Content Get The Best Results On Social Media?
A successful online marketing strategy requires more than just writing blogs; believe me. If you are just beginning with your site's marketing strategy, one of the first things you will need to do is launch your blog and start writing. Once you have established a strong blog presence, try to create new types of content and you will likely see a big difference, leading to fresh traffic, targeted visitors and higher conversion rates. However, this doesn't offer you much insight as to which type of posts performs best on various social media outlets. Inbound marketers and site owners need to know what type of content to post for different audience, so we have provided a quick post on the types of content that generally get the best results on social media. .
Topics: Social Media Marketing, Video Marketing, Content Offers
Getting traffic to your website is a formulated process, without knowing what increases traffic on a website can greatly affect your business. There are a few tricks that can help your website get noticed and increase traffic.
Topics: website traffic
The 5 Parts of Your Site You Should Keyword Optimize.
Keyword optimization is an art that is easy to learn but takes practice and skill to master. By mastering this art you can attract new customers to your website with just a few strategically placed words. But you may ask, “ Where are the best places to keyword optimize? ”
Topics: keywords, keyword optimization, keyword
How Do I Get Noticed By CT Businesses On LinkedIn?
LinkedIn is a very useful and informative social media network. Unlike any other social media, LinkedIn is a useful tool that is used by professionals to connect with colleagues, fellow business owners, and friends. But LinkedIn also features links to education, jobs, and shared interests that can really help professional expand their knowledge and network. But like other social networks it is difficult to get noticed within the slew of people that have a LinkedIn. There are a few tactics you can use that are simple but have a great impact.
Topics: Social Media Marketing, Internet Community, LinkedIn, social networking
There are thousands of blogs in the Internet today discussing subjects all over the spectrum of human interest. But a majority of blogs are not successful and end up being abandoned by their writers. Here are a few tips that can help you successfully launch or resurrect a blog.
Topics: blog post, blog subscribers, blog, blogging, blogs