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How To Use Video Marketing To Boost Website Traffic

Posted by Brandon Choquette on Fri, Jul 17, 2015 @ 03:34 PM
Chances are, at one point in time, a friend or family member has sent you a link to the latest hilarious YouTube video. Video marketing is one of the next big trends, due in part to the ease with which users can share videos amongst their friends, family and coworkers. Videos are not only more entertaining and engaging than their text counterparts, they also work to increse SERP rankings. In 2015, videos are a reliable and trusted method for boosting your company's online web presence. In this post we will discuss ways in which you can use videos to solidify your brand and boost your website traffic.

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Topics: website traffic, Video Marketing

How Does Summer Affect Website Traffic?

Posted by Stephen Pace on Thu, Jul 16, 2015 @ 09:38 AM

It is a very common occurrence that websites traffic will drop in the summer time for many different reasons. All websites will experience a bit of a drop in traffic during the summer because they want to enjoy the weather while they can. Since the weather is so nice viewers are no longer spending time inside surfing the web but enjoying the heat and outdoors as much as possible. So with the drop in traffic this gives you the opportunity to make the rest of your year more affective.

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Topics: website traffic

Why Is My Website's Traffic So Low?

Posted by Stephen Pace on Tue, Jun 02, 2015 @ 04:52 PM

Getting traffic to your website is a formulated process, without knowing what increases traffic on a website can greatly affect your business. There are a few tricks that can help your website get noticed and increase traffic.

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Topics: website traffic

5 Critical Blogging Mistakes To Avoid

Posted by Jeffrey Cohen on Wed, Jan 28, 2015 @ 11:14 AM

I can't imagine how many do's and don'ts lists exist out there. The Internet is full of them. Unless you are a veteran blog writer, though, there is too much input to keep straight. We have sifted through a lot of tips on blog writing and have identified what we think are the five biggest blogging mistakes companies make. If you can tackle these, your blog may just have a fighting chance to attract prospects and convert them into leads.

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Topics: blog post, responsive web design, blog content planning, content, Inbound Marketing, website traffic, blog, blogging, blogs

A Glossary Of Social Media Terms

Posted by Brandon Choquette on Fri, Jan 23, 2015 @ 11:16 AM

Implementing a social media strategy is not always a simple task, and can take more time than you have on your hands. When properly executed, a social media campaign can generate website traffic to your website, while bringing in new leads for your business, allowing you to connect with prospective buyers.

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Topics: Social Media Marketing, Twitter, website traffic, blog, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, hashtags, Instagram

6 CT Web Design Trends You Can Expect To See In 2015

Posted by Brandon Choquette on Fri, Jan 16, 2015 @ 01:29 PM

While many website design trends are temporary affairs of the heart, a select few are natural evolutiosn of the industry. As more web-accessible devices are introduced to the market, designers must continue to adapt their workflow to meet the dynamic changes that are occuring in web design.Over the past few years, the general appearance. of websites has changed quite a bit for developers and designers. So let us take a look at the website design trends for 2015.

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Topics: web design, content, Inbound Marketing, website traffic, web developer, website responsiveness, Website

Planning, Designing, And Optimising A Website [Infographic]

Posted by Brandon Choquette on Wed, Jan 07, 2015 @ 01:03 PM

Planning for a website redesign is certainly a captivating experience, but can also be equally distressing for some folks.With a slew of different factors to contemplate, it is important to have a defined list of expectations and criteria.To assist you with this, we have included an infographic by Lemonhead, which helps to simplify the grueling process of planning, desinging, and optimising your website. The infographic takes the reader through each of the three stages.

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Topics: web design, Inbound Marketing, website traffic, converts leads into customers

Why People Leave Your Website

Posted by ImageWorks Intern on Wed, Nov 05, 2014 @ 09:41 AM

There are a very few things more satisfying than having people appreciate your website through a comment, post, like, tweet, or sale. Attention brings confidence to yourself with the knowledge that your website it creating traffic and doing what you intended to do with it.

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Topics: why viewers leave a site, website traffic, interesting content

7 Tips For Improving Your Inbound Marketing Efforts

Posted by Brandon Choquette on Wed, Oct 29, 2014 @ 04:34 PM

One of the many exciting aspects of inbound marketing is that it works so well for businesses in almost every industry. While Inbound methodology may take a bit of time before you can expect results, once results start coming in, they are far less expensive and are also highly motivating. Inbound marketing offers great reward for a lower investment than other strategies; however, it takes a lot of effort from the get go.

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Topics: responsive web design, Search Engine Optimization, Inbound methodology, Inbound Marketing, website traffic, Hubspot, blogging

5 Basic Tips to Attract More Website Visitors

Posted by Jeffrey Cohen on Fri, May 16, 2014 @ 01:08 PM

Whether you're a new marketer or a veteran, you are aware that the first step in any successful inbound campaign is to attract strangers to visit your site. However, actually putting this into practice can be quite difficult. You're worried about a myriad of other things like getting bottom-line results or keeping up with the latest marketing trends, so it's easy to forget about that first step. The key to making it a priority in your marketing strategy is to believe that generating traffic is possible. Increasing website traffic and visitors doesn't have to be a gamble-- there are a few secure ways people do it. To make sure you are aware of these tips, we have broken down some of the most effective ways you can generate traffic to your website.

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Topics: SEO Firm, how to promote your blog, Search Engine Optimization, Copywriting Tips, Website success, CT Inbound Marketing, website traffic

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